A lot of girls and women in Nigeria have been marginalised and discriminated against after the death of their father because they are unaware of their rights as women. They are easily intimated and cower when relatives prevent them for inheriting their father’s houses, lands, and farms. One uncomplicated way to mitigate against this is to encourage fathers to write a will before their death.
Bringing together their experience and expertise in academia and theatre practice, Dr Ndu, Professor Enendu and Emmanuel Orisunmibare developed and a play in response to this need in the local community. It was stage staged at the Madonna University Nigeria, Okija Campus, and Christ the King Catholic Church, Okijain. The theatre production created awareness that the girl child or woman has right of inheritance in her home and her husband’s. Community leaders and women’s groups were invited to be in the audience, as well as the Madonna university community.
This project connects with the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality and explores the ability of both academia and theatre to support social change.

- INTRODUCING: Awareness of the Inheritance of the Girlchild in IgbolandAwareness of the Inheritance of the Girlchild in Igboland By Dr Folakemi Ogungbe The AHSCE (African Hub For Sustainable Creative Economies) Lagos Hub Voucher scheme presents a series of exciting projects. On the 4th of October, 2022, the CPC for Lagos, Dr. Folakemi Ogungbe, led a series of interesting chats with the collaborators on “the…